
Após a Chuva

After Rain

O céu pode ser visto através do reflexo da poça...

...e toda a vegetação se veste de gotas cristalinas.

...os pequenos frutos da palmeira...

...o café seco...

...a folha...

...e o espinho do limoeiro.
Respeite a Natureza.

photos by marcos santos

Sky Watch Friday - 27.06.2008

30 comentários:

Rambling Round disse...

All these raindrops caught! wonderful photos.

Raven disse...

Such a gloomy sky. Those raindrops are so sharp and clear that I expect them to drop right off onto my desk.

Mississippi Nature disse...

Great photos. Very creative!

Sandpiper (Lin) disse...

Wonderful captures of a rainy day, Marcos! I like all the raindrops. Well done!

quinttarantino disse...

Mais um espectáculo visual!
Bom fim de semana para você e Denise, amigão!

Müge Tekil disse...

Very nice raindrop shots dear Marcos ... The reflection of the sky and the tree on the ground is also interesting and beautiful! Congratulations!

I wish you a happy week-end,

Rose disse...

Wonderful series of photos.

Petunia disse...

This is lovely:)

Pat - Arkansas disse...

Wonderful photo series. I especially like the first for its reflections. It's a greaat Sky Watch.

Old Wom Tigley disse...

Thank you for joining in with Sky Watch, even though you are towards the end of the list I hope you enjoy many visits..


Hello Marcos...
This is a stunning set of captures and is perfect for Sky Watch..

April disse...

Beautiful photos on a rainy day - the rain drops are fantastic!

John disse...

Great captures for sky watch!
Very well done series.
Have a nice weekend, Marcos!

Abe Lincoln disse...

Thanks to you and others, I get a big lift out of trying to outdo myself and post things that may surprise some and make others laugh a bit and most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.

When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is a smile on greeting, it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the dementia farm is still down the road.

You, yourself, are an inspiration to me. I come to say, thanks for taking the time to photograph things of interest and great beauty. Without that, blogging would be about as exciting as a wart on the end of my nose.

And rest assured, when you do visit, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment on your blog. I might not think your photography is ready for the big masterpiece award, but it got my attention.


Abraham Lincoln
oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio

SandyCarlson disse...

Your macro shots are gorgeous! Thanks for this wonderful post.

Lilli & Nevada disse...

Wonderful photos i especially like the raindrops

Luiz Ramos disse...

Que fotos!!
Guy, Great shots!

Catherine disse...

Quelles photos, Marcos!
Specially #2 is so graceful, these raindrops reflecting their miniature world are very precious.

lenita disse...

Só voce com este olhar , pra conseguir estas fotos delicadas....
São diferentes e lindas, pra mim a primeira da poça é verdadeiramente sem palavras, como voce consegue????
as cores, enfim todos os detalhes...

Daniel J Santos disse...

belíssimo, como sempre Marcos, impressiona a tua visão sobre esta natureza, muito bem.

Madalena Barranco disse...

Marcos, que maravilha de fotos orvalhadas!! A do reflexo está um show.


Modesto Viegas disse...

Boas imagens! Parabéns!!!

Vaggelis disse...

great set. wonderful reflection and rain drops. well done

quinttarantino disse...

Tiveram bom fim-de-semana?

Kimmie disse...

Beautiful! I love rain drops...they are magical. :-)


Sekhar disse...

So here's a person who loves rains as much as I do. Just tumbled upon your blog through 'Sandpipers Place'. And must say the photos were great. I simply love rains. Thanks for sharing :)

Raquel disse...

Boas demais!!!!


Mississippi Nature disse...

Those are wonderful! Love the music!

Eseya, Muñecas con historia disse...


Teus fotografias são realmente formosas, merecedoras do prêmio. Adoro a fotografia quando expressa sentimentos, quando transmite sensações, como que um estivesse alli nesse mesmo momento.

Obrigado por tua visita, gostei muito conhecer de teu trabalho!

Saludos desde Uruguai

fishing guy disse...

Marcos: Really nice photos of a rainy time.

i beati disse...

#3 so cool !!! sk

Bom dia. fotografia, natureza, NatureBeauty, riodejaneiro, recreiodosbandeirantes, photooftheday, photography