
Horizonte Estreito

Narrow Horizon

Mesmo clicando na foto para ampliar, o horizonte continuará estreito.
Mas a culpa não é minha...

Even clicking on the photo to enlarge, the horizon will narrow.
But is not my fault ...

No último Sky Watch, minha esposa Denise, postou em seu blog, a foto da Lua no Céu.
Como forma de brindar os internautas, postou também uma coleção de pinturas corporais de signos do zodíaco.

Algumas pessoas entraram em contato com o Tom, através de emails, com o objetivo de censurar o blog de minha esposa.

À essas pessoas, e também àquelas que omitiram opinião abertamente, ou simplesmente se omitiram por covardia, dedico esse post.

In the last Sky Watch, my wife Denise, posted on his blog, a picture of the Moon in the sky.
As a way of offering the Internet, also posted a collection of paintings of bodily signs of the zodiac.

Some people have contacted Tom, through emails, with the goal of censoring the blog of my wife.

To these people, and also those that have failed opinion openly, or simply were left behind by cowardice, I dedicate this post.

Photo by Marcos Santos
Rio de Janeiro


24 comentários:

Luiz Santilli Jr disse...


Horizon is a imaginary line!
We must have imagination to understand this event.
And we must have also imagination to understand the sense of images.
As imagens são excelentes, e apenas uma imaginação suja pode ver nisso algo censurável!
Mas a mim isso não espanta!
É o fundamentalismo religioso a censurar o belo.
Foi esse sentimento que quase matou Galileu, mas não poupou Giovani Bruno!

Parabens à Denise e a você e recebam meu total apoio.


missixty disse...

O pior é que a maioria das pessoas sofre desse problema, horizontes estreitos. Toda a gente tem direito de fazer o que bem entender, logo que isso não prejudique os outros. Cada um é como é e ainda bemmmmmm que somos diferentes! Graças a Deus! Senão isto seria muito pouco divertido!
beijinhos missixty

♥ Denise BC ♥ disse...

Quando a perversidade e a ignorância estão impregnadas, não é um simples click que fará as coisas mudarem.O ser humano precisa antes de mais nada aprender a respeitar o outro e julgar menos.

Madeleine disse...

Hi Marcos :)

i have been absent for close to 2 month and came to visit you as I have all my other blogger friends.

I am so sorry to read that your wife's art work was censored...this should not happen, never! Censoring is dangerous...

I miss not beign able to view Deise's work, tell her never to stop.

To both of you keep smiling and ignore the narrow minded

SandyCarlson disse...

The creative dialogue makes its way everywhere, it seems. This is an interesting view of the sky, Marcos. Thanks.

me ann my camera disse...

The use of just the basic elements of land and sky are intriguing.
ann at varying seasons

Pat - Arkansas disse...

Marcos, I will enjoy your photo of the narrow horizon despite not being one of those to whom the effect is addressed. It made an interesting Sky Watch.

Daniel J Santos disse...

E muito bem, fizestes bem em falar abertamente e mandar as respectivas mensagens, enfie o barrete que quiser.

Sherry disse...

Interesting photo, and post -- (although I am not one of those to whom it is dedicated).
Happy Sky Watch to you!

Jeannelle disse...

Cleverly posted photo!

Anne-Berit disse...


Jeanne disse...

Not being someone who's afraid of controversy I love your shot. Very creative. Now I'm off to see your wife's art. Thank you for sharing!

Dulce disse...

Há quem os tenha estreitos, sim ... mas eu confesso, gosto deles bem largos ... :-)
Um abraço

JennWasHere disse...

I say, I liked the zodiac art. It was wonderfully done.

Your picture is nice. A great way to send the message across.

Hope you can hop by my SWF post HERE. Happy weekends!

Babooshka disse...

Such an unusual shot but very effcetive.

Kimmie disse...

Hi Marcos!
What a lovely Horizon. I like this photo very much, very simple but makes a statement.

I went to Denise's blog, her photos of body art are magnificant! I enjoyed each and every one of them. :-)


genny disse...

Nice shot and its cool..Happy SWF!

imac disse...

Interesting View, its great how something so simple can be so beautiful.

Old Wom Tigley disse...

Hi Marcos
I feel I need to respond now as this is the 3rd post it as been mentioned in...
An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something.. I mentioned last week what had been said, in fact 3 people drew my attention to the pictures. As Sky Watch last week got over 300 people signing onto Sky Watch I would not worry about it or take it so personlly. For me the matter is ended, and I was pleased to see you and you wife joining in again... I personlly I'm a big fan of self censorship and if I saw something I did not like here I would move away... if I saw something I was worried about in a sky watch post I would remove it.. as would the other team members. We represent others as well as ourselves. I'm sure you can understand this Marcos.
Please carry on posting and enjoy the fun and friendship part of Sky Watch....


Andrea disse...

Perfect for the horizon.

Ramosforest.Environment disse...

Censura é coisa muito séria e triste.
Logo na semana que se falou contra idéias estreitas na nova legislação brasileira.
O protesto contra censura vale para todo o mundo.

Torsdag disse...

Oh, what a hard line this "horizon", puristic shot.

... and thanks to Denise for the moonpicture and three *** for the boddypaintings.

hope i'll see you next week

Mississippi Nature disse...

I love that shot! Muy Buena!

Kelly disse...

Beautiful!! Awesome pictures!....


Bom dia. fotografia, natureza, NatureBeauty, riodejaneiro, recreiodosbandeirantes, photooftheday, photography